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About the Author: Joshua Mark

ย This content was posted and edited by Joshua Mark and the Fidelity Management Corporation team in Philadelphia, PA. The Fidelity Management Corporation team is a family business that has extensive experience in the fields of apartment rentals, leasing, and property management, through 50+ years of operating, owning and managing apartment complexes.

ย As a team, we have extensive experience and knowledge with respect to answers that many renters look for during their quest to find a suitable apartment, including a depth of knowledge on topics such as sound control, construction, and quality of an apartment. This experience from the Fidelity Management team comes from operations (being in apartment rental business for 50+ years), in formal education with a member of the team holding a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, as well as decades of hands-on experience in the construction field building and developing many single-family homes, residential single-family home and townhome communities, condominiums, and apartment complexes.

ย Our experience can provide helpful tips and tricks for renters looking to find the right apartment for their family, and potentially avoid costly mistakes.

ย While we write some content specific to greater Philadelphia market, the vast majority of our content is meant to address rentersโ€™ nationwide who are either beginning the apartment search, about to decide (select) an apartment, or wish to find a better place to live.

ย Nationally, this content and expertise has been recognized confirmed by some of the apartment industryโ€™s most reputable resourcesโ€ฆas inclusions or references in articles that have appeared in:ย,ย, RentCafe, The Balance, MyFirstApartment, and many others.

What Does Renters’ Insurance Usually Cost?

What Does Renters’ Insurance Usually Cost?

If you are renting, renter's insurance is important because it protects you from financial loss (replacement or repair) that may occur to your belongings, especially from loss due to fire, flood, or intrusion. What is Renters' Insurance? Renter's insurance is...

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Which Philadelphia Neighborhood? [+Neighborhood Map]

Which Philadelphia Neighborhood? [+Neighborhood Map]

Over 20 Philadelphia Neighborhoods, including a custom Philadelphia Neighborhood Map. You can see that neighborhoods in this map (see below) are grouped by general region (i.e. Northwest Philly Neighborhoods in Red, Northeast in Purple, etc). Within these broader...

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When Do Apartment Leases Usually Start?

When Do Apartment Leases Usually Start?

Apartment leases typically start on the 1st of the month in the U.S.; however, it is not uncommon for a lease to start mid-month (as many landlords will start a lease the moment the previous tenant moves out and the apartment is cleaned and ready for you to take...

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Can Apartment Rent be Paid with Credit Card?

Can Apartment Rent be Paid with Credit Card?

Can apartment rent be paid with a credit card? If your rental community accepts it and your credit card company permits it, then yes, apartment rent can be paid via credit card. Be aware that paying rent with a credit card is usually accompanied by higher processing...

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What is a Cable-Ready Apartment?

What is a Cable-Ready Apartment?

While there are plenty of internet-based TV streaming services today such as Hulu, NetFlix, and Disney+, many people still prefer good old-fashioned cable for things like watching sports and listening to the news. Have you ever seen an apartment listing that says...

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Ben Franklin Bridge leading into Philadelphia at sunset


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