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What are the Greenest Neighborhoods in Philadelphia?

What are the Greenest Neighborhoods in Philadelphia?

What are the greenest areas or neighborhoods in Philadelphia? Green spaces are most often associated with images of quiet areas in which one can relax or engage in individual or group physical activities like running or biking, but greenery provides much more....

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Helpful List of Addresses to Update When Moving

Helpful List of Addresses to Update When Moving

When you move into a new place, you need your mail to follow you. But what is the list of places you need to update when you're moving? The best approach to creating and updating a list of addresses is a systematic one, one where you write down all the individuals and...

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How to find a quiet apartment?

How to find a quiet apartment?

One of the most important items, to all renters, is finding a quiet apartment. Finding a quiet apartment is easy if you first identify the internal and external factors that can create noise and then the design features in an apartment which can control it. No...

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Learn The Benefits of Living Near Pennypack Park

Learn The Benefits of Living Near Pennypack Park

Pennypack Park is located in Northeast Philadelphia and is part of the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation system. The park is bisected by Pennypack Creek. Pennypack Park is the third largest park system in the city spanning 1,600 acres of trees, woodlands, and...

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How to Find an Apartment with Parking in Philadelphia

How to Find an Apartment with Parking in Philadelphia

Only a small fraction (about 20%) of Apartment Buildings in Philadelphia have on-site parking(1). Although that number seems low, and of course may not be perfect, one can reasonably conclude that most apartment buildings in Philadelphia do not have on-site parking....

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What is an Apartment Duplex?

What is an Apartment Duplex?

You might be familiar with the term duo (or two) which is the Latin root of the term duplex. So, what exactly is an apartment duplex? An apartment duplex is generally defined as a single building that contains precisely two housing units. Typically, a duplex apartment...

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Northeast Philadelphia Restaurant Guide

Northeast Philadelphia Restaurant Guide

Dubbed by food critics as one of the best places to try diverse food, Northeast Philly's restaurant list is a can't miss. The diversity of Northeast Philly's 500,000 residents has resulted in a flurry of local mom and pop restaurants, regional chains, and emerging...

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Ben Franklin Bridge leading into Philadelphia at sunset


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