The weather forecast is predicting rain on your moving day. What can you do to protect your belongings and minimize stress for all?
It may be too late to cancel / change the move date with your movers. You may not even want to. But there are some practical things you can do to help ensure a smooth move.
1. Plan for Loading Zones – Call ahead and ask if the apartment community where you will be moving has any covered loading zones. Perhaps they have an internal area that is covered that takes you directly to your unit or a carport where you can unload your items without getting wet? Similarly, at the place you are currently living, are there any areas you can load up undercover. You might need to reserve a loading dock, but it’s likely worth it.
2. Purchase umbrellas & ponchos – Consider purchasing large wind-resistant umbrellas to make it easier to load and unload items. Since it can be difficult to hold an umbrella while moving boxes, consider buying a poncho or a more affordable solution such as cutting out holes in a trash bag. That way you can free up your hands while still staying dry. Even if you may have movers, you’re going to have to go outside at some point and it’s best to stay as dry as possible.
3. Wear Old Shoes & Rain Gear – Since you’ll be carrying boxes or at least meeting the movers, you might want to consider wearing old shoes or rain boots as it will be more difficult to avoid puddles when you’re carrying boxes. If you have rain boots or a rain jacket, consider laying out those items the night before.
4. Wrap your boxes – Consider wrapping boxes tightly with trash bags or shrink wrap that movers use. If time permits, you can call ahead and ask if the movers can shrink-wrap everything for the same price. If not, you can order some online or go to your local Target or Wal-Mart. Consider what items need to be wrapped to avoid moisture getting in.
5. Line Boxes – In addition to wrapping boxes, for those extra sensitive items, you can consider lining boxes with plastic bags or thin towels to help absorb any water that is getting in. You can never waterproof the box in its entirety, but if you have some really sensitive items, this can be a good tactic.
6. Have a tarp to cover everything– If you will be moving yourself, be sure to use a tarp or sheet plastic to cover everything, especially since your trunk will be open frequently during loading/unloading. You can buy a tarp at your local Home Depot, Lowe’s, or on Amazon.
7. Unpack quickly – Even if moisture didn’t get inside them, your boxes are likely to be wet, and it’s best to unpack and get everything dried out as quickly as possible.
8. Stay Safe and Practical – Use your judgment and stay safe. If it’s a heavy storm with hailing winds, you might want to delay the move or wait for the storm to pass. If you have movers, you can call them up and ask what their policy is on extreme weather. Similarly, you can call the apartment community and ask for flexibility. The most important thing is to take your time, use caution, and use your best judgment. If you do all that, you’re much more likely to have a quick and easy move.